Thursday 28 November 2013

LiveType Attempts

This is my first idea of the title for the end of our opening sequence in The Pyre.

I tried to make it simple and intended to have a low bass sound when the title appears, followed by silence.

This is the second attempt of a title for the film.

This time I tried to use one of the effects provided by LiveType but after going through them I ended up preferring the original attempt.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Recce Shots

1st Location

This is the main location we plan to use for the opening scene of our AS Media Project. It is a large abandoned building therefore giving the perfect atmosphere for a horror film. Another good thing about this location is that it fits with the story that we have chosen- about a ghost in an abandoned burnt down school which is exactly what this building is.

As you can see by the previous photos there are lots of overgrown plants so that when the audience sees it they will automatically know it is abandoned. The colour of the dead plants and the dull weather also fit well with the genre.

2nd Location

This is the second location we intend to shoot at in order to create a flashback effect that switches between the past and present (the 1st location). It is at the old building in Hartlepool Sixth Form College and is perfect for representing an old college/school during flashbacks.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Opening Title and Sequence Idea's For Short Film

We Have multiple Ideas on how to lay out the credits and music at the beginning of the film, which have been influenced by other horror based movies and television shows.

One example of this is the title font and layout of the film The Exorcist.

Another is the layout of the credits for the cast in the first two seasons of the tv series The Walking Dead.

Thursday 14 November 2013

The Pyre- Shooting Schedule

This is the shooting schedule to our short film, used as a basic plan towards how long each part of the film would take to record, when we would do it and what we would need. We created this schedule as a reminder of when we were recording and so that we didn't forget to bring anything.

Here is the first edition of our shooting schedule, which shows the dates in which we planned to shoot, as well as other important details. We have redesigned it to make it look more neat and professional.

Friday 8 November 2013

Sound Editing Task Evaluation

 We had two sound editing tasks; the first task was to edit the sound on the opening sequence of The Dark Knight with garage band. We did this by using pre-made samples of instruments to create music and/or sound effects.

I did not like this task as I felt limited by what was on garage band, it seemed not many of the samples went with the clip and therefore it became difficult for me. It is because of this that I didn’t feel I accomplished as much as I would like to have, even though I did eventually add some music from the instruments.
For this task I added a number of layers of instruments so that it had a fuller texture- I used multiple stringed instrument, drums and synth effects. I tried to time the clip as well so that the music would stop and start at different parts such as the explosion of the window near the beginning.
As well as just making it sound good, it had to fit with the video, this meant I had to create music that would ever set the mood of the film or try and follow an obvious one. To successfully do this I tried to figure out which feeling the scene was already creating and match it by trying to use altering volumes, instruments and texture.
I would have found this task easier if I used samples from other applications or sources, or if we could perhaps add our own original sounds/songs by recording them or by creating a midi track.
For the second task we had to attempt sound editing on our own piece of random video footage we made in a short amount of time with a camera. We did this by using garage band’s samples of instruments and effects.
I enjoyed this task as the footage had no real theme or genre (it was just one plain simple clip), this meant we could make it be whatever we wanted. This was good as it meant a lot of the samples went with the clip and were easily used to influence a feeling and genre. I had fewer problems with the samples given to us for this sound editing task as timing was less of an issue and most things worked, although I would have still liked to add things from other sources than garage band.