Wednesday 28 January 2015

Advert Ideas

We plan on creating multiple adverts in order to drip feed the horror movie to our audience as we feel this is the most effective way to create suspense and get the audience hooked. Below are several ideas that we have for our horror movie advertisements.

Our first idea is of the main location of our opening credits, the abandoned house, with added effects to make the audience focus primarily on the abandoned aspects of the building. The text would be located below the building and only give a bit of such as the title of the movie and a short line saying something a long the lines of Coming Soon. We would probably add filters and effects to this to make it fit the horror genre more.

The second idea is a photo of Adena (our main antagonist) in a dark room without revealing much in order to keep the mystery to what the film is going to be like. She will be stood straight, facing the floor and be wearing the clothes from the film. This picture will contain the title of the film and possibly a slogan. 

Another idea is a picture of Adena which is split down the middle, showing her before and after the accident. The backgrounds to the different sides will resemble Adena through lighting- the dead side will be dark while the other will be slightly brighter.

Our next idea is to reveal a short teaser trailer; this will only be between ten and twenty seconds long. It will contain Adena lighting and blowing out a match stick. This will deliberately be done in a way that doesn't reveal too much so that the audience is still slightly questionable about the film. We hope this will cause our target audience to talk about the film more which will lead to publicity by word of mouth.

Finally we plan on releasing a full poster advertisement that will feature the title (The Pyre), release dates and a tagline. It will contain the main protagonist and the main location of the film. This advert will be darkened and have burnt effects to show the nature of the background of the antagonist (further linking the advert to the movie).

All of these will use the same font and be similar in imagery by containing similar effects and brightness. We hope these will work for drip feeding our product to the target audience so that we can slowly increase the amount of our viewers and create suspense eventually creating a fan base before the film is even released.

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