Tuesday 1 October 2013

Prelim Evaluation

 For the prelim task, our group had to make a sixty second film that contained a character opening a door, walking through the room and sitting down opposite another that they would have to have a conversation with. It had to contain multiple shots; in particularly a shot reverse shot, which had to follow the 180-degree rule.
The plot was of a man named David who had made a deal with the mafia and needed to pay it back leading to his kidnapping. We used two characters- David who spends his time in the clip tied to a chair, and a fierce mafia member who was not to be laughed at.
I think our group clip was good as it had a plot that could influence multiple camera angles and shots. For instance, we wanted to make it mysterious about who the camera was watching which made us use shots such as close ups of things like the villains feet walking through halls and wide shots of him from behind so his face was not revealed. The villain was meant to be feared so we used a low angle to create this feel.
Overall I think we have made a reasonable amount of progress as we successfully included multiple shots and the key shot reverse shot that was needed. We completed the task in the given time although it would have been better if we were allowed a longer video.

1 comment:

  1. This is the evaluation to our groups preliminary task, in this I write about the task and the guidelines/rules we had to follow. I have wrote about the story we have added and how I think the task went, in particularly the angles of the shots as this is what the preliminary task was used to improve.
